Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Las Evas.

tomorrow at 7:30 pm is the opening of my exhibition Evas. at Sala Cero of Galeria Animal.
for the last 3 months i have being dreaming of this day, and this afternoun i spend a couple of hours at the Gallery finishing some final things for tomorrow and the place looks great.
last night i got back from Paris after almost two weeks of hard work at Foundation Cartier painting my part for the group show "Ne Dans la Rue"
and damn Paris is amazing!!
i meet Seen! and Jon one! ... it was so great, anyways i will post about it after the opening , im tired and tomorrow early i have to get back to Animal for a final check on the show.

if in Santiago come and see the others Evas.


Gonzalo Salas O. said...

Hola. Mi nonbre es Gonzalo y me gustaría ver la manera de realizar una expo, un taller o una clinica dirigida a chikos grafiteros de mi ciudad (Temuko). Por estos lados hay un número importante de grafiteros organizados y para ellos sería super motivador conocer tu experiencia en este arte. Si te interesa porfa contestame al mail k aparece por akí o a gonzalosalasorias@hotmail.com

Un abrazo y gracias.

E.C.ROMAN. said...

pepo, congratulaciones. !!!
quiero saber mas de esto si?