Saturday, January 3, 2009

is time to kiss them good bye.

is hard to let go, you get used to it and im thankfull of being able to get people interested in my work and even tought im going to miss my panels (specially two of them that i was planning on hanging in my house)is time to kiss them good bye.
2008 is gone and im happy with how the year went,the best things besides paloma, the new house, our book (donde esta mi corazon?) , meeting hugo marin and seeing my niece and nephew up in utah was my first solo show here in santiago and getting all the comments and support i got.
so thanks to everyone that has bought some of my pieces, thanks to everyone that apreciated my street work (thanks to all graffiti writters for not going over my paintings)and thanks to everyone that made 2008 a great year for me and paloma.

some pics of the paintings from my last show.

basco vazko!

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